Mission Statement
The purpose of HOLTER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INCORPORATED is to create educational curricula, workforce skills development, and employment opportunities for underserved, socially, and economically challenged people.
Our outreach initiatives engage the community in the arts through professional-level live music, theater, film, and literary works.
We raise awareness of humanitarian causes while emphasizing the value of the arts.
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Adopt Our Curriculum ~ Make the Documentary with us.
Voices of Foster Care is a 3-year mass-comm and live event education and production plan. We have partnered with The Oakland Film Company to bring our entertaining and informative content to fruition in back-to-back releases of art, books, soundtracks, films, and fashion for fundraising.
Our programs keep young people gainfully employed in entertainment-related work training when they are at the most pivotal and vulnerable point in their lives, from age 18 to 30 years old. We offer safe spaces and opportunities for music, speaking, business, and personal growth.
DONATE TO THE GENERAL FUND for Voices of Foster Care
The Soul Festival Workshop is an outstanding music initiative that offers an immersive eight-week course in music skills development and professional, industry-standard live stage production to recent college graduates, college students, and young adults who have aged out of the foster care system. At the end of the workshop, the students co-create the Soul Fest, a live instrument-based showcase at the new East Hampton Community Park in front of a live audience of residents and supporters from all over Georgia
The HIP Soul Festival Workshop is led by grass-roots community efforts that include collaboration with visual and performing artists, and members of the community. The HIP Soul Fest is arguably our first film project, though it is b-roll material intended to be used in the first Voices of Foster Care documentary film series, Where the Rainbow Hides: A Homestead Act. This footage is part of our development process and features interviews, rehearsals, live stage production, performance, and public speaking clips of our Young Adult Management Team as they prepare to become leaders for Student Participants of the Voices of Foster Care initiative.